
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Most Convoluted Rice Krispy Treats Ever!

Casey and Jacob and I walked home in a giant snow storm tonight. The snow has been falling in Pittsburgh at the rate of about 1/2" per hour! For some reason this made me want to make Rice Krispy treats. There was just one problem: we didn't have any marshmallows! But we did have sugar, corn syrup and gelatin....which was all we needed to make marshmallows! So we used this recipe here, and I burned the first batch of sugar and corn syrup. So then we tried again! This time it worked. We whipped up a beautiful batch of marshmallow fluff, and I went to get the Rice Krispies and realized we didn't have enough Rice Krispies! So now I was making Rice Krispy treats without marshmallow AND without Rice Krispies?

Jacob and I looked through the cupboards and found some rice crackers. We blended these up in the blended and they had exactly the right look and feel!

So then I combined the newly minted marshmallow fluff with our Rice Krispy/rice cracker mixture....and I realized it wasn't going to work! The marshmallow fluff needed to be re-melted! So I tossed the mixture in my biggest stock pan and melted the mixture with some butter. I left the kitchen for a minute and the mixture started to smoke! It smelled like burned marshmallows on an outdoor fire! I realized there was too much marshmallow mixture to Rice Krispy/rice cake mixture, so I crushed another 8 rice crackers and tossed it in the pan.

Whew. I mixed the mixture a bit longer and added butter, too. Finally it started looking like proper Rice Krispy treats! I poured it into the pan and voilé!

They look and taste pretty much exactly like they are supposed to. That said, I cannot recommend this method of making Rice Krispy treats to anyone!


At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Ivana said...

This is why I ALWAYS stock marshmallows ... I'm sure they'd also make it through a nuclear blast, so I keep 'em in the bunker as well.

At 8:10 AM, Blogger Kat said...

What a fiasco! And, a very determined Kathy!! Good going.
I used to add semi-sweet choc chips to the "real" recipe for a chocolate version and the kids loved them.

At 10:55 AM, Blogger Ann said...

I'm guessing this is why Rice Krispies were invented. You didn't mention if the kids liked them??:)


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