
Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Weekend!

Easter weekend with Jacob was a blast. Because of the frigid temperatures on Saturday morning we went in search on an "easter bunny" experience that would still be warm. We found a Trolley Museum about 50 minutes away that brings an Easter Bunny onto the train for pictures. We rode the trolley and then the huge, slightly frightening rabbit came on board for pictures. I thought our camera was out of batteries, so this picture was taken via polaroid by a man who looked as old as the trolley itself! After that the Easter Bunny's helper gave all the kids a bag of treats and toys.

On Sunday the Easter Bunny delivered a wonderful bundle of goodies, with much help from Grandma bunnies in Alabama and Seattle. Jacob especially loved the toys (the truck and the playdough were huge hits) and the jelly beans and the chocolate covered nuts. Kathy and Josh enjoyed those, too. The Easter Bunny brough Kathy some trashy gossip magazines and brought Josh a new case for his sunglasses.

After Jacob's naps we went to Heather, David and Travis's house for a sumptuous Easter dinner which consisted of beautiful seared tuna, handmade Italian stuffed crepes, roasted lamb, asparagus and ricotta pie (Kathy's favorite). At Travis's house Jacob got another easter egg hunt!

Sorry for the blog's long vacation. We were using it to help advertise our house, which we actually rented last week! And today I think we found a place in Nashville that might be perfect. So stay tuned for more pictures of Jacob and baby sister Jellybean!


At 6:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That wabbit wooks pwetty scawy.
Jacob, you are a brave man! Looks like you had lots of fun for Easter. We are sure looking forward to meeting JellyBean.
Love, Grandma G


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