
Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day of Kindergarten!

Jacob, when all is said and done, is a pretty easy young man to please. Give him a bowl of Trix, a small carton of juice (at the "before care" program), a dessert AND chocolate milk at lunch, the world's shortest nap time (according to Jacob) and no trip to the Principal's office (Jacob's greatest pre-kindergarten fear, thanks to the amazing Miss Nelson books that Nana has, http://www.amazon.com/Miss-Nelson-Missing-Harry-Allard/dp/0395401461/ref=pd_sim_b_16), and Jacob had a great first day at kindergarten. He made one friend (that I know of), who I met at the end of the day, and whose name is Shawn. He was adorable, and almost a foot shorter than Jacob! He looked right at me and said "our life rocks." I had no idea what he was talking about, but it was very endearing.

Jacob reported that he followed all of the rules, though he cannot remember what any of them are. He said they sang the alphabet song, and when I asked him what they did with numbers he said there was "a chart of them." He had some work papers that the teacher sent home where Jacob had to color all of the words that started with "r" and one where he had to write the number of rings on the racoon's tail. He got everything right.

Let's see, what else. He said he didn't get water the whole day, and the one time he had a chance to use the water fountain he forgot. He said that that at recess he went on the slide by himself. He said there was a girl from his pinata class there, but he couldn't remember her name (and neither can I, though I swear, and I'm not kidding, that it was Emma or Sophie).

Casey also had a great first day at kindergarten. I dressed her in her Steelers track suit. It's all yellow and the sweatshirt says "Luv Ya Black and Gold." All the older girls at Jacob's school thought Casey in that Steelers outfit was the cutest thing they had ever seen. Then she convinced some of the big kids at the gym to let her play ball with them. Then she found out that Jacob got to eat a bowl of Trix and it was all she could talk about for the rest of the day. When I went to pick her up at her daycare at the end of the day she said, "can I got to kindergarten and get Trix?"

The night before kindergarten I let Jacob pick the dinner menu for that night. He picked chicken soup with alphabet pasta. Jacob and I made it together, and I think it would have been pretty good except that I added some spinach at the end and I kind of ruined it. For breakfast this AM, though, we did have our famous pink pancakes (from Deceptively Delicious---only I never try to hide the vegetables that I use when I make recipes from that cookbook), which are pancakes with beet and apple pureƩ in them. They are very good, and very pink! I think we'll make pink pancakes a first day of school tradition!


At 8:29 AM, Blogger Kat said...

Jacob, I thought of you all day for your first day at kindergarten!! I knew you would love it and make friends fast.
No tellin what he told Shawn that makes him think that "our life rocks."
Pink pancakes sound like a wonderfully delicious tradition!!
I want to see Casey in that outfit.
Go Steelers!

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