
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Party Day Miracle!

First of all, Nana Panush claims that she sent this outfit priority mail on Friday, April 16th. If that's true it only took one night to get to Pittsburgh in time for Casey's birthday party. The other miracle is that CASEY LIKES THIS OUTFIT, EVEN THOUGH SHE DIDN'T PICK IT OUT HERSELF.

Here is a typical morning trying to dress Casey.

Me: Casey, would you please wear the cute black and white outfit that you got for Easter?

Casey: No, it's TOO SCRATCHY!!!!

Me: Casey, it's not scratchy. It's very soft, see?

Casey: No, I wanna wear my SPIDER MAN CLOTHES!!!!

Me: Casey, it's not pajama time. It's school clothes time. Would you please choose an outfit from your drawers?

Casey: No, I'm gonna get my outfit out of the DIRTY CLOTHES BASKET. I DON'T LIKE THOSE OTHER CLOTHES. I DON'T LIKE THEM!!!!!!!

Me: Casey, I'm not going to have this fight with you anymore. [At this point I pick up her dirty clothes basket so she can't choose anything out of it]. You can choose from any of the clothes in your dresser. When you're dressed with your socks and shoes on for school you can watch one episode of Sponge Bob.

Minutes later, Casey emerges with some odd combination of clothes that are too small for her, and/or pajamas, and/or the wrong season. But, she's dressed, I don't have to fight with her anymore, and we can go to school.

So, suffice it to say that Casey wearing this cute flower outfit from Hanna Anderson is a PARTY DAY MIRACLE. Congrats, Nana, you won this round!


At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Ivana said...

When Andy's daughter Natalie was young and learning to dress herself, she'd appear in some crazy combination of colors and patterns, to which her father would turn to me and day, "My daughter - welcome to the country." I wish we could hold onto the inability to care about what we look like and focus on what feels most comfy (and least scratchy!).


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