The day before Casey's second birthday
A few of my favorite things lately have been watching her hop, with two feet, all over our bed. She also loves to be naked---except for a pair of Mary Janes. She runs around the house in her little shoes, but without another stitch of clothing, shouting, "I'm naked, I'm naked." Her vocabulary continues to grow, though she still likes to call "oatmeal "emo" (reversing the order of the vowels). Yesterday, referring to her morning ritual of yelling from her crib for one of us to pick her up, she said, "I was yelling and crying and shouting." That's a lot of synonyms for such a little girl!
She's been saying "why" a lot, too. After everything. Anyway, those are a few thoughts for now. Tomorrow she'll be two!
Casey is the smartest two year old I know! Her personality is really beginning to come out now! Happy Birthday sweetie pie!
Her vocab is awesome for a two year old. I asked her how old she was and she definitely told me "TWO"!! They had left me a cool message and Josh was trying to get her to say funny things at me and she declared "I don't wanna say it." Sounds like she is gonna have a fun b-day!
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