
Friday, April 10, 2009

Casey's Birthday Wishlist

A few weeks ago we went to Anouk's birthday party and the experience, which was lovely---full of nice parents and lots of frosting---has put Casey in a slighty greedy mood. Keep in mind, as you are reading her list of demands, that she is not yet two years old!

"When's my birthday?" She says, now, almost every day.

"Next week."

"I wanna new car."

"Why? What's wrong with this one?"

"I want Alan's car." Alan, our downstairs neighbor who we wake up every day, with screaming, crying, pounding feet and the tossing of balls, has a shiny black Nissan Pathfinder. We have 1997 champagne colored Honda Accord. With a lot of miles on it.

"Well, this car works just fine, and we're going to keep it until it doesn't work anymore."

"Oh. OK....well, I wanna new house. Like Jane's house." We went to Jane's house for brunch last Sunday and Casey didn't want to leave. The house looked like the set of an English's professor's house in a movie. Gorgeous built-ins, house plants, a sun porch brimming with sunlight, and a rich, dark dining room with flowers on the table. Antique photos and books, everywhere.

"We're not going to get a new house until Daddy gets a job."

"Oh. OK."

I'm a bit worried that the Learning Tower that I got used and the play kitchen coming from Target are going to be a bit of disappointment for Ms. Wants-a-lot. And she's not even two years old!


At 6:45 AM, Blogger Kat said...

That made me chuckle!!! Now, there's a gal who knows what she wants. Oh, my goodness, boy are you guys in for it!! LOL

At 8:14 PM, Blogger cookiesandmilk said...

My Jacob wanted a big car just like his friends at his old private PK (the Lexus land rover looking things) I explained to him they were super bad for the environment and were killing the Earth, not wanting to get into those things probably cost half as much as our house. My mistake. He goes to school and says in front of all the other parents. "Oh my mommy says your mommy's big ugly truck is killing our earth." Not many playdate invites came in after that.


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