Jacob's School Birthday Celebration
Jacob's school has a very nice way of celebrating birthdays. The birthday child chooses a birthday committee and the birthday committee makes the child a special (and secret) poster with the letters of the birthday child's name. Jacob's birthday committee included two of his best friends at school, Ani and Misho. His poster read: Jokes, Ants in the Pants (one of Jacob's favorite board games), Cars, Our Friend and Blocks. The letters were made out of creative materials (like plastic ants to make the "A" for Ants in the Pants). As Jacob's parents our job was to present the classroom with a page that explained how Jacob got the name Jacob Lawrence Newman. During the "discussion" that followed many of the children wanted to share the story of how they got their names. One of the things I really love about Jacob's class is that I have known most of these children since they were babies. It is so cool to see them talking, reading and writing!
Love the poster... that is a cool way to celebrate their birthdays... How fun!
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