
Monday, April 19, 2010

Doll House Delirium

I don't remember wanting a doll house as a child. In fact, what I do remember, is that my father worked away in the basement for many weeks making me and Brenda a Little House on the Prairie house and barn, and I also remember my mom telling me, not that long ago, that we didn't play with those wonderful hand crafted structures very often...if at all.

Perhaps I was too young for those toys. Because now? I'm ready. Which is why I bought Casey this doll house for her third birthday. It came with an adult bedroom set, a living room set, a kitchen, and a bathroom.

Grandma Gregson sent the child's bedroom set, which Casey played with tonight for about 30 minutes, until we dragged her off to bed!

Nana Panush sent a Grandma and Grandpa doll and also a dog house with some animals. And one of Casey's friends, Devlin, brought a whole bunch more dolls, so now my family can grow virtually (since we're probably all done growing it actually!).


At 6:44 PM, Blogger Ann said...

The good thing about doll houses is that they grow with imagination! Casey has plenty of that and I know she will enjoy her doll house for many years to come!

At 1:36 PM, Blogger Kat said...

I love the doll house and always wanted one as a child. I used to adore the kids who could afford one in our humble neighborhood and was thrilled when they would invite me to play dollhouse! I can't wait to enjoy this one with Casey.

At 1:40 PM, Blogger Kat said...

P.S. that looks like a Frank Lloyd Wright living room to me, for some reason.

At 10:50 AM, Blogger Suburban Turmoil said...

I was OBSESSED with my dollhouse until I was about 12 years old- I bought tons of furniture, hunted antique markets for tiny pictures from the 1800s to put on the walls, made books for the bookshelves, etc. Punky now has two (a normal-sized dollhouse and a larger Barbie-sized one) and almost never plays with them! TYPICAL. ;)


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