
Thursday, September 09, 2010

Stay Home Day

Yesterday I picked Jacob up from the bus and he climbed in the car. He was tired. But then he perked up:

Mom, there is NO SCHOOL tomorrow!

Really? I think there is school tomorrow.


Well, it turns out Jacob was right. It's Rosh Ha Shannah, the Jewish New Year. I had not recorded it in my Master Calender. So, after Josh got home last night I went back to work and cleared my desk so I could take the day off with the kids.

We spent the morning strolling around the CMU campus and the giant park right next to the university. We ate snacks from home and snacks that we bought on our travels. We ran in the grass. We drew pictures. Now we're home, where I'm ignoring the fact that Casey isn't napping, and I'm ready to eat my lunch. Later on, we'll make home made alphabet soup, with Grandma Gregson's special recipe!

First order of business on stay home day: use the paints that Casey "gifted" to Josh for his birthday!

Jacob painted, and I quote: "A robot pooping!"

Onto the cafe at CMU's library, where we terrorized the undergraduates. All I can say, Beeler Street partiers, is that turn about is fair play!

We got this cool colored paper from the Administrative Assistants in the English department!

In the late afternoon we worked on a project I have been planning for some time: making our own alphabet pasta. Trader Joe's used to make a really cool one, but they don't anymore, so we made our own using little cake fondant alphabet cutters. My thought about how to make this project more effective? Use larger cutters next time! It was hard to find the letters in the soup after they cooked!

Here's the finished product!


At 7:26 PM, Blogger Ann said...

Wow, In Seattle we don't observe Rosh Hasannah as a holiday from school but we do allow Jewish people to observe it as a holiday with no ramifications. The alphabet soup was interesting. I can't imagine cutters that small and I'm guessing it was quite a process. Tomorrow we will go to Zarni and Ayar's and will take oatmeal rolls and soup - it must be Fall:) Love, Nana

At 5:32 AM, Blogger Kat said...

I am so ready for that first pot of Fall soup!! I don't make it in the summer, because we are, well, frankly, sweating already! It will be 93 here today.
Love the alphabet soup. It looks delicious. A stay home day can be lots of fun.
Ya'll blow some of that cooler air our way!


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