
Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Making a Pinecone Birdfeeder at Phipps Conservatory

Casey picks out her own clothes every day. It's a nice new feature of her expanding independence, except for one thing: her taste in outfits trends towards the super summery. So here's Casey at Phipps this last Sunday when it was all of 17 degrees outside. Casey looks like she's dressed for the middle of June!

A wonderfully patient teenage volunteer helped each of our children make a pine cone bird feeder. They smeared shortening onto the pine cone, and then rolled it in the bird seed.

"I'm six years old," Jacob told the young lady. "I'm 16 years old!" she replied.

Jacob was home from school yesterday (Monday) for an in-service day. So he and I rigged a broom handle with a hook and hung the pine cone bird feeders in the branches outside Jacob's bedroom. Hopefully the birds will catch on and we'll be able to watch them!


At 9:58 AM, Blogger Kat said...

Very cool. The birds will find it and he is going to love watching them. Sounds like Casey is going to be a warm weather person!! Glad you "let" her pick out her own outfits. I miss you all so much. But am looking forward to May, which seems a forever away right now. But it will pass quick.
Mom is going home tomorrow.

At 1:59 PM, Blogger Kathy N. said...

We miss you too! I always think about you whenever we go to Phipps, and how much I love to share that beautiful space with you when you come to visit. We can't wait to see you up here again!


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