Happy Birthday, Casey
Hi Casey,
You looked so beautiful and happy on your birthday! I like your new tower and hope you become a good cook using it. Love, Nana
Hi Casey,
This weekend, Casey spent almost two hours in swingsets, swinging. At one point, she played this game where she would not want me to push her until the swinging slowed way down. Then she would get me to push her, and when it was going fast she would say "I wake up!" So the game was like slowing down = falling asleep, going faster = waking up. It was so cute I wish I had a video to post :)
Carnival used to be the most annoying event at CMU. The parking lot that I used every year would be taken over by "carnies"---as well as booths built by the school's fraternities and sororities. Something called "Buggy," races that took place behind my office, kept me from parking outside my office on weekend mornings for months before the big race.